Sunday, August 15, 2010


वन्दे मातरम, सुजलाम सुफलाम मल्याज्सित्लम, सस्य स्याम्लम मातरम,,वन्दे मातरम,,,
सुब्र ज्योत्सना पुलकित यामिनी,पुल्ला कुसुमिता दृमादालासोभिनिम,
सुहासीनीम,सुमधुर भासिनिम, सुखदाम वरदां
मातरम,वन्देमातरम I   

I bow to thee, Mother,richly-watered, richly-fruited, cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,the Mother!
Her nights rejoicing in the glory of the moonlight, her lands clothed beautifully
with her trees in flowering bloom, sweet of laughter, sweet of speech,
The Mother, giver of boons, giver of bliss!

INDIA, an amazing country with various religions, culture and beliefs reaching at the top of the world, but still waiting for a tremendeous change. However we know that after so many years of independence some of our basic problems are not at any end, and what class of efforts we are doing are not sufficient. Like from being many years our respected Prime Minister is been talking about vanishing terrorism and overheads, but implementation over such programms were never done. And it was worst when after big terrorist attacks eg. MUMBAI attack in 2008, nothing  satisfactory comes forward. Indians sometimes trust, wait or quit but government never gets up. It is not our destiny but it is what we choose, if we challenge wrong we surely make situation right but if we quit erroneous expand itself until it demolish us. It is true that only you have to fight for yourself because nobody is with you until you are not all in yourself.
Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest example of this, he alone step first and whole country followed him, because he trust himself and had the power to terrify Britishers.And he knew that he was fighting for his country, his motherland. Same as when we trust ourself and fight for right then our confidence make a crowd, and victory become ours. 

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