Friday, January 4, 2013


Some one said to me that Love is the most unconditional thing in this world but what i think is has only conditions,,,,,and if you are not able to fulfil it. PLz dont Fall in Love.
Its destiny..once you listen to your heart it turns into a final Heart ATTACK....It dosen't mean that i m totally against love But love never give you peace.
At first you get attracted towards sumbody, then you fall in love,,,then u deeply fall in love,,,,then u think you never live without him..And suddenly u come to know that he belongs to somebody else.

Same as life once u r kid go to school,,,then study half of your life and one day,,,,,,,BANG!!!!!!!!
                                                I tried hard for peace,,but still i didn't have and i m trying continuously hoping that one day may at the end..Once i read a line that "Everyone is not meant to stay in your life forever". May be this is TRUE

I LOVE YOU.....  :)  

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